Linux requires PhD in Astrophysics
I’m a simple guy. I like it when things simply work. This is why Linux is just not for me. I gave it an honest try … again. And again. And again. Each time, there was something else that I had to waste hours scouring the boards trying to find fixes for some obscure problem. My latest problem was trying to get all three monitors up and running. In Windows, it’s extremely trivial. In Linux, you need a PhD in astrophysics to figure it out. Turns out that for whatever reason, the nVidia driver and ati driver don’t like each other and won’t work simultaneously. After 40+ edits to xorg.conf, 30+ reboots after X11 hangs the entire machine, and several driver intalls later, I still had only two monitors showing. Sorry, but that third monitor is now useless. Then there’s my soundcard. It doesn’t work. Who knows why. My midi stuff – all three devices – won’t work. Scanner? No. Printer? It’s a paper weight. TV Tuner card? Sorry. Pocket PC support? Yeah, right. It’s not just hardware, either. I couldn’t even manage to install Flash in Firefox. Apparently my AMD processor isn’t supported. 3D acceleration wasn’t going anywhere fast. NOTHING FRIGGEN WORKS! I boot back into XP, and everything… EVERYTHING … works like a charm. I’m a computer scientist, not a hardware junkie. I just want to run my experiments, code on three monitors, and play games, not spend hours on end just to get a working configuration.